Chapter 195 Brother and Sister Meet_1

Ning Hao parked the car at the edge, put on his sunglasses, got out, and walked to the middle of the parking lot. He looked around and found nothing unusual, so he just sat down in the middle of the parking lot like he did yesterday.

The surroundings were relatively empty. If Ning Yue's ghost truly was nearby, he should easily be able to see her.

Qin Sisi also got out of the car, carrying Xiao Hei over to Ning Hao's side.

Ning Hao looked up at her, concerned, and said, "It's too cold outside, go back to the car. I can wait by myself."

Ning Hao couldn't bear to let Qin Sisi follow him and be cold too.

Qin Sisi curved her lips slightly and sat a short distance from Ning Hao, saying, "No matter, my clothes are quite warm."

Heard what Qin Sisi said, Ning Hao's gaze naturally fell on her clothes. It seemed to be a common windbreaker, looking rather thin. How could it be warm?

Ning Hao furrowed his eyebrows and repeated, "Go back to the car, don't freeze yourself."