Chapter 201: Hidden Ghost_1

Someone once posted online that they always felt like something was watching them when they went to a bathroom at night, which gave them the creeps.

Having surveyed the entire hall without finding any anomalies, there was no choice left but to inspect the washrooms.

Determined, Qin Sisi slowly made her way down the hall, finally locating the washrooms at the northwest corner of the room.

Adjacent to the hall was the washroom area, where entrances to men's and women's facilities were on either side, and a long sink with a row of faucets lined the wall.

Seemingly due to long-term disuse, the sink was covered in a thick layer of dust, with rusty faucets.

Of them, one faucet was not tightly closed, releasing drips of water into the sink, producing a manifestly clear "drip-drop" sound in the silent darkness.

Aside from this sound, the only other one was the soft footfall of Qin Sisi's flat shoes on the floor.