Chapter 227: The Fish Dies and The Net Splits_1

Seeing Qin Sisi shaking her head, Yuan Lishu snorted contemptuously and said, "Stop dreaming! I will not offer you my Soul Power. You'd better let me go soon before my brother Hei Shan comes for me, or it will be too late for you to regret it."

A chill settled in Qin Sisi's heart before she could respond, Ye You meowed a few times from the side as a reassurance, "Don't listen to her. No matter how fierce the evil spirit is, I won't be afraid."

Seeing that Ye You was not taking Yuan Lishu's threats seriously, Qin Sisi gave him a relieved smile before turning back to Yuan Lishu, ignoring her murderous expression. She gently and persuasively said, "Isn't there anyone in the human world that you can't let go? Like your parents; also, if you reincarnate, whatever life you want to lead, I can help make it happen."