Chapter 230: Adorable Black Cat_1

Ye You looked up at the Bronze Bagua Mirror and spoke solemnly, "We can't take these things for now. If you want them, we can find another way after everything settles."

Of course, Qin Sisi knew they couldn't take the items. She shrugged and said, "I don't want them, I just need something to pay off my debts with, as I'm desperately poor now."

Ye You cast Qin Sisi a deep look. In order to obtain Zhu Zihao's Soul Power, she had invested all her money and even owed Ning Hao a hundred thousand yuan.

Thinking about this, unease and guilt stirred within Ye You's heart.

However, unease and guilt were of no use at the moment.

Ye You took a deep breath and reassured her, "Don't worry, money comes and goes."

Qin Sisi nodded, not wanting to put too much pressure on Ye You, and prompted, "Let's eliminate the spiritual nature of the Bronze Bagua Mirror first."

"Alright." Ye You responded. He took out a small plastic bottle from his Portable Space, which he had brought from home.