Chapter 247: The Director Invites You_1

After lunch, Qin Sisi cuddled up with Ye You and went to bed for a nap, preparing to rest well so she could energetically practice magic when she woke up.

Two hours later, Qin Sisi, who was not fully awake yet, was woken up by her phone ringing.

Qin Sisi picked up the phone and saw Ning Hao's name on the screen. She couldn't help but feel surprised. They had just spoken on the phone in the morning. Why was he calling so quickly again?

With a slide of her finger, Qin Sisi answered the call and said "Hello" into the phone.

Ning Hao replied in a deep voice from the other end: "Sisi, I need to speak with you about something."

Qin Sisi could tell from Ning Hao's tone that he was very serious. She immediately sat up, dispelling her drowsy state, and clearly responded: "Okay, tell me."

Ning Hao continued: "Do you remember the director at the University of Science and Technology?"

Qin Sisi pondered a bit before responding, "I remember, what's the matter?"