Chapter 250 Excited Parents_1

Upon hearing Lu Xiaoying's words, Qin Sisi turned her gaze to Teacher Yang.

Understanding her intentions, Teacher Yang immediately explained, "Most of the girls from the city stay at home and are registered with us."

Qin Sisi nodded and after a moment of contemplation, she said, "I have no more questions, but I would like to visit Xie Kexin at the hospital."

Teacher Yang hesitated before responding, "We need to discuss that with Director Liu."

Knowing that Director Liu was the main authority overseeing this matter, Qin Sisi didn't want to put Teacher Yang in a difficult position. She replied in a deep voice, "Alright, I will talk to him."

Teacher Yang nodded and stood up to open the security door.

Director Liu and Ning Hao, standing not far away, heard the noise and immediately walked over.

The previous excuse about touring the campus was just a cover-up.