Chapter 255: The End of Sin_1

Ye You took advantage of the opportunity when Hei Shan was distracted, mobilizing the magic within him. With his claws, he drew a powerful stroke, and a silver glow spread out like ripples of a giant stone falling into a lake.

The little demon gates encircling Ye You were virtual bodies created by spiritual power. How could they resist Ye You's full force attack?

Wherever the wave of light reached, the little black demons vanished rapidly.

A demon may be tall, but wisdom stands higher.

Hei Shan was panicked yet savvy, having experienced many battles of various scales. He quickly discerned the current state of affairs.

This cat and this person were difficult to deal with. If he continued to struggle, he worried he would face a higher risk of danger.

When green retains its colour, there is no fear of wood for burning.

Hei Shan made up his mind, just as Yuan Lishu had. He slapped down forcefully, ruthlessly breaking the arm that was bound by the Vajra Bundling Spirit Rope.