Chapter 268: Continuing the Mother-Son Connection_1

She didn't know how long it had passed. It seemed like her tears were about to run dry, and it seemed like she had said "I'm sorry" countless times.

Teacher Yang finally lifted her head, using her own clothes to wipe the blood stains covering the blood baby's body. Her expression was tender, her movements gentle.

The blood baby bitterly said, "Mom, there's no need to wipe. The blood won't stop."

Teacher Yang nervously replied, "No, no, it can be cleaned. Please give me some time."

With this, Teacher Yang began to wipe even harder over the blood baby's body. However just as the blood baby had said, the blood was endless. As soon as she cleaned one area of his skin, fresh blood would seep out again.

Teacher Yang's own clothes were now stained with blood, but the blood baby's fresh blood didn't lessen at all. She couldn't hold back her tears again.