Chapter 278 Choosing Not to Be Kind_1

With her body finally free, Zhou Zimeng suddenly straightened up, ran to Chen Lan on her knees, crying bitterly, "Teacher Chen, please help me. I don't want everyone to think that I'm a thief. Can you help me, please? I beg you."

Chen Lan's face showed reluctance as he helplessly said, "It's been so long since it happened. How can I help you? Even if someone did set you up, there's no evidence. No one will admit to it."

Zhou Zimeng had a look of desperation on her face. She was not a thief, but who could prove her innocence? Who could absolve her?

Since she was a child, she had been cherished by those around her due to her good looks and excellent grades. Never did she think that she would leave this world in such a disgraceful manner and forever carry an infamous label.

"I'll help you."

A gentle and faint voice rang next to Zhou Zimeng.

Zhou Zimeng jolted in surprise and looked up. It was the mage Chen Lan had invited.