Chapter 281: Chen Lan's Thoughtfulness_1

Under Ye You's deep gaze, Qin Sisi lowered her head to avoid his eyes, her cheeks growing redder.

Ye You chuckled softly, slowly leaning in towards Qin Sisi. Lingering on her soft, rosy lips for a long time before reluctantly letting go.

The pair, one human, one cat, snuggled together, finally sinking into a sweet slumber after exhaustion took its toll.

Close to noon, Qin Sisi awoke. She tidied up the room, and was just about to leave when the bedroom door was pushed open; surprisingly, it was Chen Lan returning.

Qin Sisi asked in surprise, "Why are you back? Aren't you supposed to be at work?"

Chen Lan wiped the sweat from her forehead and replied, "I don't have any classes this afternoon, so I took half a day off to handle the vanity."

Qin Sisi nodded and said, "That's good, the sooner it's dealt with, the sooner you'll be at ease. Did you find a new place for it?"