Chapter 293 The Art of Evil_1

A quarter of an hour later, four swirling mists of white smoke finally coalesced into four graceful-looking beauties, exactly resembling their respective wax figures.

The four beauties were surprised to see Qin Sisi, not expecting their saviour to be a young woman just like themselves.

The four were momentarily taken aback, then they all bowed in respect to Qin Sisi, voicing their gratefulness, "Thank you, miss, for saving us."

Qin Sisi replied with a soft voice, "No need for formalities, who are you, and how did you get trapped here?"

Equally celestial in beauty, with equally tragic fates, Qin Sisi was curious about their stories.

Just like the wax figures, the four beauties were respectively dressed in red, green, blue, and yellow dresses. They would henceforth be referred to as Xiao Hong, Xiao Lu, Xiao Lan, and Xiao Huang, respectively.

The four exchanged glances, sighing heavily, occasionally looking distraught and at times even furious.