Chapter 12: I laugh at mine, none of your damn business! _1

Seeing Li Na, Yan Ling couldn't help but think of the time she was shoved down the stairs.

Her gaze was as sharp as a blade, exuding a bone-chilling coldness.

"If I'm laughing, that has nothing to do with you!"


The frivolous and scornful tone incited Li Na's nerves. She raised her hand, wanting to slap the woman in front of her.

But after meeting that terrifying gaze, her hand stopped midway in fright.

During that moment of hesitation, her raised hand was restrained and her chubby body lost balance, tumbling towards Shen Liangshen.

Shen Liangshen didn't want to be taken advantage of by a fat woman and immediately dodged with disdain.

Then, Li Na, with her mountain-like huge body, crashed heavily into the mobile sickbed.

Due to the massive impact, an unconscious Yan Zixuan bounced from the bed, which slid nearly a meter forward before it came to a halt.

Li Na, unable to control her fall due to the sliding bed, crashed onto the floor. Both her front teeth were knocked out when her mouth hit the bed rail.

The accident left Li Na stunned.

Regaining her senses, she covered her bloody mouth and, with rage burning, lunged at Yan Ling, "Wretched woman, how dare you push me!"

Yan Ling remained silent, but the nurses nearby couldn't take it anymore.

One of them stepped in front of Yan Ling and defended her, "Madam, could you be reasonable? Your fall was your own doing, not Dr. Yan's fault. To save your friend, you'd better be polite to her. Dr. Yan is a highly respected chief physician in our hospital…"

Shen Liangshen's brows twitched instinctively when he heard that the doctor before him was named Yan.

But he brushed it off as mere coincidence.

There were many people with the surname Yan in the world. It couldn't be her.

Upon hearing the nurse's words, Li Na dismissed them, "I don't believe she's really capable."

Then, eying Yan Ling's graceful figure, she spewed with jealousy, "So young and already a chief physician. She must have slept with plenty of men, huh?"

Yan Ling's lips curled coldly, and she retorted indifferently, "And with a mouth as foul as yours, you must have consumed a large amount of shit, huh?"

On hearing this, the nurse almost burst into laughter.

Dr. Yan's sharp tongue was as impressive as her medical skills!

Unable to hold his tongue any longer, Shen Liang Sheng said, "Dr. Yan, watch your language, please!"

Shen Liangshen didn't like Li Na, but she was Zixuan's close friend. He had to protect her to some extent.

"I say what I want to say. If you don't like hearing it, you can get out!"

Li Na scoffed, "Telling us to leave? Believe it or not, Young Master Shen could get you fired with a single word!"

Upon hearing this, Yan Ling couldn't help but laugh.

That illegitimate child, Shen Liangshen had the audacity to fire her?

What a joke!

"I'd like to see how Young Master Shen would fire me!"

Her fearless response irritated Shen Liangshen.

He intended to pressure Yan Ling into submission, using his status. However, he didn't expect her to provoke him so blatantly!

Meeting her mocking gaze, Shen Liangshen's eyes darkened.

She rejected his goodwill and chose the harder path. If that's what she wanted, he would oblige her.

With that thought in mind, Shen Liangshen took out his phone and dialed Dean Pan of Hongya hospital.

As soon as the call was connected, he introduced himself.

The dean was polite and conciliatory at first.

But when Shen Liangshen mentioned the offending doctor's name as Yan.

The dean's attitude changed abruptly, "Young Master Shen, Dr. Yan is the most excellent and outstanding physician at Hongya. If you question her professionalism, you might as well arrange a transfer from our hospital for your fiancée…"

Shen Liangshen was stunned by Dean Pan's reprimand.