Chapter 185: Have to Admit It_1

This was Yan Ling's second time stepping into the Medical Research Institute.

But this time, she wasn't left out in the cold.

As soon as she arrived at the entrance, someone initiated a conversation with her.

"Divine Doctor Yan, you are here~"

Ning Mengmeng's expression was as excited as a fan seeing their idol.

Yan Ling fondly remembered this girl with the round face.

She got to know from Doctor Li that, Ning Mengmeng was only two years younger than her.

She said with a smile, "I am not worthy of the title Divine Doctor. Just call me Yan Ling."

"No way, that would be so rude! If you don't like me calling you Divine Doctor Yan, then can I call you Director Yan?"

If it were in the hospital, Yan Ling definitely wouldn't have refused Ning Mengmeng's addressing.

But this was the Medical Research Institute.

Every other doctor there held a position that was many levels higher than hers.

Using a title felt a bit weird.

"Or, should I call you Sister Yan Ling?"