Chapter 340: The Brutal Truth_1

Yan Ling: "!!"

So this was Qi Yunjue's so-called action to prove his love for her?

Startled by this sudden kiss, Yan Ling's eyes widened, and it took her a while to recover.

The man whispered in her ear, helplessly saying, "Close your eyes!"

Had it been before, Yan Ling would have obediently closed her eyes.

But now, she was still questioning what Qi Yunjue was thinking, how could she let herself be fooled by his charm?

Yan Ling wanted to push the man away, to end this kiss.

But she forgot, Qi Yunjue was still injured.

Taken aback by her sudden push, the man fell backward unprepared.

Seeing Qi Yunjue about to fall, Yan Ling instinctively reached out to grab him.

The two of them lost their balance and fell onto the soft hospital bed...

Unconsciously brushing her hand against Qi Yunjue's sturdy chest, Yan Ling inadvertently visualized the man undressing.

Suddenly, her nose tingled, giving her a sense that she was about to get a nosebleed.