Chapter 350: Heroes find it hard to pass the beauty barrier!_1

Just as the gunshot sounded, startled yells and screams echoed.

When Captain Tan turned his head, he saw Poisonous Snake lying on the ground like a dead dog, with blood gushing out of his head.

And Yan Ling, who should have been the one shot, was held tightly by a tall and majestic man.

The one screaming was not Yan Ling, but the Poisonous Snake!

Captain Tan let out a sigh of relief.

He glanced at the man who was stern-faced, yet there was a gentle tenderness in his eyes, and he gave a sigh.

No wonder the ancients said heroes can't resist a beauty's charm!

Despite knowing this move would disrupt their plans, Lord Qi still did it...

This clearly showed just how important Miss Yan was to Lord Qi!

When Yan Ling regained her senses, she looked up to see the man who was protecting her, his face deathly pale.

Qi Yunjue.

He just shielded her with his own body.

"Qi Yunjue..."