Chapter 389: Playing with her? _1

Cayton stormed off because of Dean Pan's words.

Before leaving, he dropped a threat, vowing to expose their lies!

As the dean of Hongya Hospital, Dean Pan didn't want to fall out with Dow Jones' future heir either.

However, when Cayton mentioned Yan Ling, his disdainful attitude made him uneasy.

Dr. Yan was acknowledged by so many people because she had genuine skills and was an Ancient Medical Inheritor.

It wasn't simply because she had worked at the Dow Jones before.

Why were they so condescending?

Cayton's attitude stimulated Dean Pan's ambition to raise Hongya to a higher stage.

After sitting down in his office chair, he pondered for a moment, then picked up the phone on the table and dialed the top number.

"Lord Qi, it's me..."


On the other hand, Yan Ling didn't react much when she found out that the fool earlier was Dow Jones' future heir.