Chapter 429: Give an Inch, Take a Mile_1

"You can't always resort to violence to solve problems, it's not good for a child's education!"

Yan Ling continued to make her demands.


"If you feel like you're losing control of your emotions, don't bottle them up. You can talk to me, I'll be there with you!"

Yan Ling didn't know why Qi Yunjue had suddenly become so frightening.

But she guessed it may have something to do with his past.

She didn't want to pry too much into his past, but she also didn't want him to hide from her whenever he lost control of his emotions.

"Okay, I'll listen to you!"

Hearing the man's unhesitating response, Yan Ling blinked her eyes, then lightly kissed the man's lips like a dragonfly skimming over water.

The girl's lips, as soft as rice balls, emitted a fresh fragrance and soft texture.

Qi Yunjue instinctively wanted to deepen the kiss, but before he could act, the girl had skillfully extracted herself from his arms.