Chapter 226: Doubts_1

New news from Mobile News Official Website v: Zara's official website leaks that a Zara spokesperson will be chosen from a selection of female celebrities attending the Music Festival. The editor thinks that the new starlet, Qiao Xiaren, has a big chance.

Several big Vs. retweeted the news, attracting a lot of spectators. This time it's not fans but a group of bitter bystanders and jealous fans of other five stars.

"I admit she's gorgeous, but does she have any self-awareness? How could a fashion-forward brand like Zara possibly choose her as a spokesperson? I hope Zara's official website can debunk this rumor and slap someone's face."

"Does Qiao Xiaren even know that she's not good enough to make the cut? Moreover, Bolton, who's just become popular, is in charge of choosing the Zara spokesperson. Is it a delusion or intentional trend riding?"

"Agree with the above, waiting for Zara to dispel the rumors!"