The tale written by Fa Duo narrates in reverse order. The reason why the protagonist, Su Jinzheng, pays special attention to Yang Qin and lends her a hundred thousand Euros, all starts with the piece of candy he gave her back then.
Su Jinzheng is of Czech S descent, an adopted son of a famous Speaker. For many years, he had been looking for that little girl from his past, never expecting to serendipitously run into her in a pub.
"Yeah, that's a running gag in Love City. I'm pulling your leg, can't believe you're buying it. I just want to see if you remember the script," Chu Yifei added some humor, "I never tell stories."
Qiao Xiaren: ...
That joke was pretty lame.
Less than half an hour later, Wang Yecheng drove over. Qiao Xiaren was surprised to discover that Wang Yecheng had bought a car in Prague. She just wanted to ask, uncle, aren't you tired of handling all the paperwork needed to buy a car?