Chapter 4 The Thing I Regret Most in the World_1

If Lu Yebai was asked to choose what he regrets the most in his life, "meeting Meng Xi'er" would undoubtedly top his list.

This woman, arrogant and willful, was incredibly obstinate. But what disgusted him the most was her inherent maliciousness.

She was completely spoiled by her parents, desensitized to the value of a human life. He was there when the car accident happened. He watched helplessly as Meng Xi'er deliberately drove into Yun Qiyan. That feeling—he never wants to relive that moment for the rest of his life!

How could such a malicious woman exist in this world?

"Yebai," Yun Qiyan softly comforted him from his side, "Don't be angry. Look, I'm fine, aren't I?"

Lu Yebai looked at her and spoke in a low voice that everyone present could hear, "You just had a stroke of luck to survive. What if that tire had run right over you?"

Meng Xi'er held her chopsticks, her eyelashes fluttering slightly. She seemed to have forgotten how to breathe.

She couldn't eat; the scar on her wrist was so painful that it felt like it was going to split apart. She knew it was just her imagination, but at that moment, she could distinctly recall the feeling when she was tearing her own flesh with her teeth in the prison— the pain was bone-deep, heart-wrenching!

Lu Yebai's hatred of her was so clear, anyone could feel it even without knowing their past.

"Alright, it's fine now." Yun Qiyan gently smiled, comforting Lu Yebai with a tender voice, "Let the past be the past. Xixi simply made a mistake back then. Now that she's grown up, she won't do such things again." Yun Qiyan smiled at Meng Xi'er and said softly, "Xixi, I'll be celebrating my birthday next week. You'll come and keep me company, won't you?"

"You...!" Lu Yebai frowned in disapproval. "Why would you want her to come? Isn't she just an annoyance!"

Meng Xi'er was somewhat dazed. Yun Qiyan's gentle smile was right in front of her. She still looked beautiful and kind, just like how she remembered her. If there was a true angel in this world, wouldn't it look like her?

But for some reason, she couldn't seem to like her, and this had nothing to do with Lu Yebai's feelings towards her.

The moment she first saw Yun Qiyan, she knew she didn't like her.

At present, she doesn't have any right to reject anyone.

"Yes." She gently nodded in agreement.


The dinner was not harmonious. Lu Yebai's cold gaze was like a shadow. Meng Xi'er couldn't enjoy her food. She put down her chopsticks early, bid Mrs. Lu "I'll go upstairs," and hastily left.

In the middle of the night, Meng Xi'er got up from her sleep and walked out of her bedroom.

She didn't eat much in the evening, and she felt a bit thirsty now. She wanted to grab something to drink from the refrigerator downstairs.

When she reached the staircase, she overheard the faint sound of conversation from downstairs.

"Mom, are you really planning to let her live here?"

It was Lu Yebai's voice.

Meng Xi'er paused at the staircase. She looked downstairs and saw Mrs. Lu and Lu Yebai in the living room.

Lu Yebai was wearing a black trench coat, with a circle of white fur subtly showing at the cuffs. He stood there tall and handsome, with a hint of discomfort on his attractive face.

Based on his apparel, he most likely just came back from dropping Yun Qiyan off at her home.