Chapter 9: Being Treated Like a Young Lady _1

Meng Xi'er stood in front of King Club, her head tilted upward to gaze at the brilliant golden sign in front of her, her face showing a hint of indecisiveness.

King was the largest entertainment club in Baisha City, with mysterious backers. It had been in Baisha City for half a century. When she was younger, she often came here to play with friends, but now...

"Miss," the server standing at the entrance stared at her unkindly, "Who are you looking for? If it's no one in particular, please don't stand in our way!"

Meng Xi'er spoke softly, "Box 3422. I'm looking for Lu Yebai."

The server's face changed as soon as he heard Lu Yebai's name. Instantly, he turned excessively attentive, "You're a friend of young master Lu! Please, this way!"

Soon another server came over and led her to the desired location.

Standing in front of box 3422, Meng Xi'er hesitated to open the door.

She truly didn't want to see Lu Yebai again. She was simply too afraid...

She was not courageous. She was terrified of death, especially since that man had seriously thought about killing her.

He hated her that much.

Just as Meng Xi'er decided to open the door, the magnificently decorated door suddenly flew open from the inside. A hand reached out and pulled her in.

"Damn it, why are you so late!"

Meng Xi'er was caught off guard and abruptly dragged inside. As she landed on the couch, she was too shocked to scream.

A tall figure smelling of alcohol loomed over her, an unfamiliar scent instantly overwhelming her. Meng Xi'er's mind went blank, she screamed in panic, "I'm not!"

She realized she was being mistaken for one of the hostesses here!

But, wasn't this box 3422? Where was Lu Yebai?

As Meng Xi'er struggled, she glanced around the box. It was decorated with a grand and steady style, there was incense burning, and a decadent and lazy atmosphere hung in the air. A circle of people sat around, men and women alike, all stunningly handsome and beautiful. She even recognized a female celebrity she'd recently seen on TV, who nestled in the arms of a young man, shooting him coy glances.

Then, she saw Lu Yebai.

The noble, handsome man was leaning on the farthest couch. A lit cigarette was in his hand. Though he seemed to notice her, he looked disinterested. Sitting next to him was Yun Qiyan.

Yun Qiyan was sat beside him, looking intimately close. Although Yun Qiyan was usually good at tact, right now, she acted totally indifferent, whispering with Lu Yebai, never glancing Meng Xi'er's way.

The drunken man pressing down on her kept pushing his stinking mouth towards her neck. Meng Xi'er's voice whimpered, overwhelmed by his strength, a woman's strength was so insignificant compared to a man's.

She was suddenly overtaken by a wave of despair.

Just like five years ago, no one would come to her rescue. So what if Lu Yebai was here? He'd only push her further into the depths of despair.


Perhaps the power of despair ignited a hidden strength within her. Meng Xi'er actually managed to push the man off of her. He hadn't expected this "hostess" to actually resist, he fell off the couch unprepared!

The loud noise startled everyone in the box. After a moment of shock, a few people burst out laughing.