Chapter 23 The Seven-Year Itch_1

Such a big reaction? Lun You laughed, slinging his arm around his shoulders in a brotherly fashion. "No worries, I understand! Men can't hang all their hopes on one tree! You've been with Qiyan for such a long time, it's normal for the novelty to fade. Do you want me to introduce you to other women?"


Lu Yebai mulled over the idea.

Could it be as Lun You suggested, that his feelings for Xixi were just as a man's novelty towards a woman?

This answer made him feel a bit relieved.

Lun You was about to say something else, but Lu Yebai waved him off: "Quiet." He shooed him off to the office next door, "Get to work."


A disgruntled young master Lun was sent away, clutching a pile of documents.
