Chapter 43 Acute Leukemia_1

Recently, Yun Qiyan has been intermittently running a fever. She's been busy with work, so she didn't pay much attention to it.

Today, she figured it had been a while since she had visited the Lu family. So, she called Lu Yebai, telling him she was sick and asked if he could accompany her to the hospital.

When Lu Yebai came to pick her up from work, she tactfully suggested that they have dinner before going to the hospital. So they naturally ended up at the Lu's residence.

Every month, she visited the Lu's to build a relationship with Mrs. Lu. Her goal was to ingratiate herself to gain favor and to gather information; she intended to marry into the Lu family. Knowing the likes and dislikes of her prospective mother-in-law would be beneficial once she officially joined the family.