Chapter 60 Who Hit You?_1

The corners of Meng Xi'er's lips immediately cracked open and blood slowly trickled down her chin.

She didn't even know how much pain she was in right now. Every fibre of her being hurt. She wanted to laugh, but her mouth wouldn't cooperate. It seemed all her muscles had frozen.

Did Meng Xi'er need to explain?

Even if she did, would Lu Yebai believe her?

Dream on, there's no way he would believe her.

What a terrible day. A trip to the hospital resulted in a battered face, and accusations from others.

Ironically, the two most significant wounds were given by the man standing right in front of her.

"Lu Yebai." Meng Xi'er slowly turned her head, aggressively wiped at the corner of her lips, raised her head to look at him, "I will never forgive you for what happened today."

Her eyes were very dark, empty of any emotions, deeply reflecting his face as if imprinting this moment in the depths of her eyes.

After finishing her speech, she turned around, opened the door, and left.