Chapter 113 She Can't Hurt Him_1

"But, it was you who let go first." She sighed softly, "You were the one who rejected me first."

You were the one who rejected me first.

Everything between them concluded with these seven words.

The one who let go first has no right to blame the one who was let go for throwing them aside.

"I regret falling in love with you." Meng Xi'er whispered.

She ended up regretting after all.

The once stubborn refusal to regret, has, with the passage of time, turned into an unstoppable regret when remembered.

Lu Yebai fell silent for a long time. He could not offer any refutation, where even if he believed he had not done anything wrong, in the face of the current Meng Xi'er, he could not refute anything.

Meng Xi'er falling for Lu Qingchuan felt like an inevitable event. If someone still loved him after being treated like that, it would be truly pathetic.

Who doesn't like kind people?

She had pursued him for so long and now she had finally moved on.