Chapter 130: She Has No Home Left_1

Lu Yebai dragged her around the busy streets for half a day. He seemed to be in a good mood, appreciating everything as they went by. Meng Xi'er, on the other hand, had lost all interest, the scenery she had enjoyed with Lu Qingchuan the day before now seemed covered with a layer of dust in her eyes, veiled in fog, she could not muster any enthusiasm for it.

All she could think about was Lu Qingchuan. Several times, she couldn't help but want to ask Lu Yebai where Lu Qingchuan had been taken, what his current situation was, but she always managed to hold back her questions.

Without asking, she knew that Lu Yebai would never tell her. Even asking might incite his rage.

The man who had always avoided her like a snake or a scorpion was now forcibly keeping her by his side, never leaving her alone. If this were her in the past, she would have laughed in her dreams.

And now, for her, it's nothing but a nightmare.