Chapter 145 She Can Wait _1

Meng Xi'er struggled in his arms, but he held her tight. The feeling of her slipping away from him was driving him mad.

He had never encountered such a situation in his life, where a person could affect him so profoundly. At times, he really wanted to aggressively push Meng Xi'er away, to make her disappear from his sight forever. But that was just a fleeting thought.

He simply couldn't do it.

It was like a spell, he just couldn't let go of this person.

She began to cry painfully on his chest. Unable to break free, tears soaked through his shirt, seeping into his skin with a scalding heat.

Lu Yebai held her head, pressing her face into his chest. After a long silence, he finally said softly, "Can we go back to the past?"

There was a note of bewilderment in his voice.

Deep down, he knew that the moment Meng Xi'er wanted to leave him, they could no longer turn back.

The good old times shattered like a broken mirror, unable to be pieced back together.