Chapter 216 Lu Yebai, You Deserve It 1_1

Meng Xi'er walked through the darkness in her dream, where she met a firefly.

Its faint light shone amid the vast darkness, supporting a small patch of brightness for her.

She reached out her hand, watching the firefly gradually land in her palm, its light akin to the only glow in an everlasting night, making her feel warm.

In her long and lonely life, it was this tiny firefly that accompanied her through the darkness, making her feel less alone.

However, a gust of wind blew, and the faint light slowly faded. She subtly closed her hands, watching the fragile radiance gradually extinguish bit by bit, returning to nothingness in her palm.


She cried out the man's name deep down in her heart, but this time, no one answered her anymore.


Meng Xi'er slowly opened her eyes, inhaling the smell of disinfectant in the air. Unable to resist coughing a few times, she awakened the person beside her bed.