Chapter 219: Unnamed Body [Extra Chapter]_1

Under the doctor's meticulous care, Meng Xi'er began to recover, one day at a time.

By the time she was able to get out of bed, a week had already passed.

The search-and-rescue operation was also gradually coming to an end.

What started as a desperate struggle to cling on to a shred of hope, a relentless search day in and day out, had finally forced those unwilling to accept the reality to come to terms with it.

—They simply couldn't find Qingchuan.

He had fallen into the icy depths of the sea, never to return.

Half a month had passed since Qingchuan's disappearance. Mrs. Lu visibly lost weight and aged visibly each day. When she saw Meng Xi'er coming out of the ward, she didn't wail or curse like she had before. Just glanced at her tiredly and walked off with assistance.

The sight of that weary figure was heartrending.

Qingchuan's death had destroyed half of a mother's soul.

Lu Yebai came to tell her that the search would stop the next day, to continue would be in vain.