Chapter 230 Lu Yebai Extreme Jealousy _1

His palm was sticky and as he lowered his gaze, he realized that his bandaged wound was bleeding again.

It was said that a wound inflicted by someone you love would leave a scar that would never heal. It would bleed incessantly, refusing to scab over, just as a heart would bleed.

"I only wanted..." Meng Xi'er's weak voice broke the silence, "to make him remember... to make him remember me..." She looked at him with a lost expression, "Is that wrong?"

She slowly closed her eyes, and after a long while, she let out a soft laugh.

"I guess I... am indeed, being punished by the heavens..."

They gave her hope in despair, only to push her back into the abyss.

The desolate laughter made one's heart sour.

A surge of anger stirred in Lu Yebai's heart. He released her injured wrist, grasped her other hand, and led her towards the bedroom.

Lu Yebai walked a bit too fast, making it difficult for Meng Xi'er to keep up. She was practically dragged by him.