Chapter 250 This time, we fly high and far_1

Meng Xi'er's whole body trembled as she abruptly raised her head to look at him. Lu Qingchuan's eyes were bloodshot as if he was about to shed tears, yet the expression he wore as he looked at her was one of painful adoration.

In an instant, she understood something. Her entire being froze. Lu Qingchuan clenched her hand tightly, then pulled her into a tight embrace, pouring all his strength into it, as if intending to crush her into his arms...

They remained standing by the edge of the window, entwined in a tight embrace that seemed to last forever. Some emotions didn't need to be expressed through words; a mere exchange of glances was enough. Their heartbeats synchronized, and Lu Qingchuan repeatedly murmured her name: "Xixi... Xixi... Xixi..." His voice filled with pain, aggrievement, and profound sadness.

Meng Xi'er bit her lip, but still was unable to control the torrent of sobs that overcame her in his arms.

She had waited so long. Finally, the wait was over...