Chapter 298 Love Really Can Kill People【Additional Updates】_1

Lu Yebai's car swiftly stopped at the central hospital entrance.

"What happened?"

He asked the doctor who had come to receive him.

"Miss Meng's car rolled over on the highway. Although the ambulance arrived in time, she was unconscious due to excessive blood loss. She is now being treated in the emergency room."

Lu Yebai asked, "Was there anything else found in the car?"

"The police have been there and found no foreign objects in the car. There's surveillance footage of that stretch of road which we can show you later."

While speaking, they had already reached the door of the emergency room.

Lu Yebai stopped at the entrance, took a deep breath, and finally couldn't help but ask, "Can she... be saved?"

The doctor whispered, "Miss Meng is quite lucky. When the car crashed, she was thrown out onto a field, which cushioned her fall. Aside from blood loss, there aren't many fractures. However, we will only know the full extent of her injuries after the operation."
