Chapter 308: He's Possessed_1

In his lifetime, Lu Yebai didn't have many regrets.

He was intelligent from a young age, knew what he wanted, and could easily obtain it.

His rational mind was able to judge right or wrong in matters; he always assumed that all things in this world were as clear as numbers.

He did not realize that there was one thing in this world that could not be judged by rational thinking or calculated; it was there, waiting for his discovery, yet he repeatedly missed it.

And now he finally understands.

This belated realization was enough to make him regret it for life.

He tightened his lips painfully, his face pale. It seemed as if he were undergoing a terrible pain, even though he stood perfectly fine there, and nothing had happened.

Lun You appeared somewhat uneasy and gently asked, "Yebai, you okay?"

Lu Yebai shook his head: "I'm fine."