Chapter 356 He Never Treated Me as a Person_1

"That's not affection." Meng Xi'er opened her eyes, looking at the gloomy sky, her voice cold, "That's imprisonment. Control. And domination, violence! I'm just his captive pet. When has he ever seen me as a person?"

The psychological trauma Lu Yebai left her with left a deep mark.

She could never forget the nights she had been imprisoned by him, the feeling of having nowhere to run was enough to drive a person mad.

She never knew what she did wrong to deserve such treatment from Lu Yebai. He never even granted her basic human dignity.

Like a pet dog, chained inside the house, in such a small space, unless he whimsically took her out, she could never leave the space he had given her.

Those days seemed endless.

She knew, sooner or later, he would drive her insane.

She needed to leave before that day came.

"Isn't he treating you well now?"