Chapter 386: He Almost Died_1

Lu Yebai scoffed at the bowl of menstruation-colored red bean soup, moved to his usual seat, and immediately scrunched his brows upon seeing the table full of blood replenishing dishes.

"What's the meaning of this?"

"For replenishing your blood." Lun You tasted the pig liver and savored, "Your house cook is quite skillful, these types of dishes are surprisingly delicious."

Lu Yebai's face was turning the color of pig liver.

He despised animal innards the most, and also hated eating the gooey red bean soup, he threw his chopsticks on the table: "I'm not eating."

Meng Xi'er descended from upstairs, witnessing Lun You and Lu Yebai in a standoff in the dining room, she lifted her gaze briefly at the two, quietly went to the empty seat, picked up her chopsticks, and cradled a bowl to commence her dinner.

Meng Xi'er wasn't picky with food, although she felt tonight's dishes were a bit strong to her taste, she still quietly ate a few bites.