Chapter 4 Let the Wife Decide_1

Feeling her body stiffen, Yun Hao gently pushed Meng Yunhan away, "Hanhan, are you not feeling well?"

Meng Yunhan scanned the room, overwhelmed by her memories. If she wasn't mistaken, she had somehow returned to the day after they were initially wed. She recognized the hand-crafted paper cutouts, which she had torn down the day after their wedding.

Hadn't she died?

She had felt her life slowly ebbing away, so how had she ended up back in time several decades when she opened her eyes?

"Yun Hao, Yun Hao..." Her voice quivered with shock that refused to recede.

"I'm here, I'm here." Yun Hao instinctively held her hand, his voice potent enough to carry over into the main hall where his parents were.

"We've grown old, we've grown old." Yun Hao's father exclaimed, recalling his wife's words about the great affection that the young couple shared, often seen in each other's arms.

"Shall we wait for them to eat?" Yun Hao's mother's joy mingled with her reluctance to interrupt the newlyweds. As long as Meng Yunhan treated her son well, she, as the mother-in-law, would naturally reciprocate.

"Shall we eat first?" Yun Hao's father asked tentatively, hoping his wife would make the call.

"Alright, let's eat first." They would finish their meal before the young couple finished their lovey-dovey session and joined them.

In the bridal chamber.

"Yun Hao, Yun Hao..." Meng Yunhan softly loosened her hold on Yun Hao while calling his name. She pinched her cheek hard, feeling the pain. She'd really returned- she was truly back.

"Why did you pinch yourself?" Seeing Meng Yunhan pinch her own cheek, Yun Hao's heart ached; he chastised her with a stern face.

"Yun Hao, Yun Hao." Meng Yunhan threw her arms around Yun Hao again, while he enjoyed her embrace, a faint smile playing upon his lips.

"I'm here, I'm here. Did you have a nightmare?" Although Yun Hao's tone was somewhat stern, it was also laced with concern and care.

Meng Yunhan still couldn't wrap her head around it.

How did she come back?

Though she'd occasionally heard the young girls at her company talking about rebirth and time travel.

Even recently, Jiaojiao, the daughter of her friend Jiahao, was chattering about re-birth and time travel, stating that she wondered what it would be like to experience it.

But she never thought that one day, such a thing might happen to her.

Was this because of her recent thoughts about this man and their days in Qingzhao Village? Was this only a fleeting moment, or a mirage?

"Yun Hao, Yun Hao..." Meng Yunhan held onto Yun Hao's neck tightly, fearful that if she let go, he would disappear.

Ever since she had been bedridden, Yun Hao would occasionally come to her mind. Thinking about the things he did for her, she realized that he also cared for her, and that she willingly married him back then.

So, she had been feeling guilty every day.

Yun Hao, being held tight by his wife, felt a surge of sweetness fill his heart. She still cared for him, still had him in her heart. Otherwise, she wouldn't have hold onto him this tight.

Here they were; one was still bewildered, attempting to wake up from their haze.

And the other was reluctant to let go of their embrace.

Time slipped by like this.

Outside in the yard, Yun Hao's eldest and second brother had arrived with their children.

But they only saw their parents at home.

They couldn't see Yun Hao and Meng Yunhan; they couldn't help but ask, "Mother, where's the youngest brother?"

Yun Hao's mother responded, her eyes sparkling with amusement, "They haven't gotten up yet."