Chapter 3: Intrusion into his Territory, _1


At the moment of falling, instinctively, people tend to stretch out their hands to catch hold of anything within reach. Therefore, Gu Qianqian also reached out, and she did catch hold of something.

Soft, white...

Feeling a coolness around his waist, Lu Zhanbei's just-tied bath towel had been completely yanked off.

Falling flat on her back, a thud echoed when the back of her head struck the ground.

Such a fall had nearly scared the wits out of Gu Qianqian. With her mouth slightly opened, she gasped for breath in pain for quite a while.

However, what did she accidentally catch hold of just now?

Struggling to bring the object close to her face for a look, she instantly gasped, flustered by the fall.

If she hadn't seen it wrong, this…this…seemed to be…

"Sorry! I didn't mean to do it!"

She closed her eyes tightly, afraid of accidentally seeing something she shouldn't. Lying on the bathroom tiles, Gu Qianqian vigorously waved someone's bath towel in her hand.

"I'm...I'm giving it back to you!"

"Then, I'll leave immediately. I promise…"

There he stood, Lu Zhanbei, calm and composed.

Despite the awkwardness of the situation, his cold commanding aura remained unscathed.

His stunning icy face revealed no emotion, as he quietly inspected this sudden intruder into his territory.


This was Lu Zhanbei's first impression of Gu Qianqian.

Looking down, the young girl lying on the tiled floor seemed young but had dazzling curves.

Her refined face was immaculate; her originally clear bright eyes were now tightly shut, her arched eyebrows slightly trembling like a butterfly...

Lemon-yellow, with cartoons...

This was Lu Zhanbei's second impression of Gu Qianqian.

As the nineteenth girl to be sent to his room, it was clear that his 'thoughtful' sister-in-law had put in 'effort' to choose such a beauty.

But, a girl of her sort, is she of age?

In a flash, Lu Zhanbei's deep black eyes darken, his well-shaped eyebrows furrowing tighter.

Gu Qianqian was very nervous, she should have simply gotten up and ran away. But somehow, she was too frightened to make any movements.

Trembling with fear, unaware of what she had stumbled upon...

But the man's voice, as clear as a stream, echoed again above her head: "Open your eyes."