Chapter 36: Disgusting Things, They Suit You Perfectly_1

But when you're desperate for money, even if you really intend to sell your kidney, you still need someone to buy it.

What if you sell your kidney and they don't give you the money? Not only would you not be able to pay for your mother's surgery, but you would also ruin your own health.

So, selling a kidney is definitely not an option. The only solution is to borrow money from my uncle.

After all, my mother is also a member of the Lu Family, and she is his sister, isn't she? He wouldn't just stand by and let her die, would he?

Thinking this way, Gu Qianqian left the hospital and headed directly to the Lu Family's estate to find her uncle.

However, after searching all over the Lu mansion, she couldn't even find a trace of Lu Zhandong.

The ambulance had driven into the Lu family estate to take someone away. Even if they hadn't known what happened because it was too late, they should have known by now after a whole night has passed. Right?