Chapter 39: She, Got Burned_1

It has to be said, Lu Zhanbei's words proved effective on Gu Qianqian.

Although he cannot be considered her 'senior' anymore, she still instinctively wanted to listen to him, so even though she was in a dismal mood, she obediently changed her clothes.

It was only when she took off- her clothes that she realized the burning pain in her arm.

Looking down, she saw not only was her arm red and swollen, but a large area on her left waist was also red.

Only then did she remember that it seemed like she had bumped into a tea mug held by a Lu Family servant earlier, clearly she had been scalded by the boiling tea.

At the time, she was emotionally wrought and soaked in the rain, so the pain was overlooked.

But now, the moment she calms down, the pain shoots straight into her bones.

She endured the pain to change her clothes, and upon coming out, she found Lu Zhanbei seated in the living room couch, sipping his coffee.