Chapter 50: Falling into his Arms_1

Clasping her phone, Gu Qianqian was in low spirits...

She didn't understand why Lu Zhanbei was reacting so coldly, or even why his attitude towards her had suddenly turned so sour.

Had she unknowingly committed a mistake?

Or else...


She was so deep in thought that she didn't notice a tall figure had silently appeared beside her.

The moment she snapped back to her senses, her gaze flickered and her tone turned as cold as Lu Zhanbei's on the phone a moment ago, "When did you stand behind me?"

"Right when you shamelessly asked Lu Zhanbei to come to the hospital."

Gu Qianqian: "..."

Her hand gripping the phone tightened suddenly, Gu Qianqian narrowed her eyes to look at him, even her heartache seemed to have completely numbed.

Looking at her furious yet helpless expression, Lu Yebai seemed to be in high spirits, and even said gloatingly, "Did I not tell you? You will regret not listening to me!"