Chapter 98: Even Ice Water Can't Stop _1

"Lu Zhanbei..."

The voice on the other end of the phone was eager, but Lu Zhanbei didn't let them finish: "What's up?"

"Is Qianqian with you?"

One of the qualities Lu Zhanbei appreciated most about this person, only a few years younger than himself, was the directness of his words.

However, this time, after hearing those words, Lu Zhanbei's tone became exceptionally cold: "Why do you ask?"

When he heard Fu Jingchen's voice in the hotel, he had already guessed everything. Still, given his understanding of Lu Yebai, he should not stoop this low. But now...

It seems he needed to reassess this kid.

"Don't try to deny it, Lu Zhanbei, I've already seen the hotel's surveillance, wasn't it you who was carrying her down the stairs?"

"So what if it was?"

In the face of Lu Yebai's directness, Lu Zhanbei's response could be described as indifferent...

And perhaps because of this, the person on the other end of the phone seemed to have solidified his assumptions.