Chapter 112: _1

The ideal is plump, but the reality is bony!

While others strive for a better life, she and her mother are still struggling for survival. Life is tough, but they must continue, so...

"I can always figure it out!"

With gritted teeth and a clenched fist, Gu Qianqian said, "If all else fails, I could live at school once I get into university, couldn't I?"

Upon hearing this, Lu Shenglin's eyes lit up. However, the joy only lasted for a moment. Remembering something important, she looked at Gu Qianqian with worry again, "Are you about to graduate?"

"Yes! In one week."

Just one more week?

Lu Shenglin's heart sank, she worriedly asked, "But with so much going on recently, can you... manage?"

Gu Qianqian wanted to admit her uncertainty, but worried it would only stress her mother further. Instead, she reassured her, "Lu Zhanbei specifically marked the key points for me! I'm studying them now, hopefully there'll be no problem."