Chapter 118: It's Better to Offend a Petty Person than to Annoy the CEO_1

Su Ling did not understand the boss's intention, but Lu Zhanbei kindly explained to her, "If you want to reconcile, don't you have to show some sincerity?"

She's not stupid, and upon Lu Zhanbei's reminder, an idea suddenly popped up in Su Ling's mind: "Does the president mean that he wants to seize this opportunity to let Mr. Fu sign the sea reclamation approval?"

"Isn't it a pity not to take advantage of such a good opportunity?"

Lu Zhanbei did not deny it, but Su Ling still thought it was risky: "But what if Mr. Fu not only doesn't sign, but also deliberately suppresses our approval?"

The problem she considered, Lu Zhanbei naturally had also considered. He slightly raised his eyebrows at this point and asked her, "Do you think in the eyes of Mr. Fu, is his son important or is that approval important?"

"Of course, it's Master Fu."