Chapter 134: Her Laugh, Sweet!_1

The next morning, Gu Qianqian was woken up by her phone's alarm.

She didn't know whether Lu Zhanbei would come to pick her up today so she had set a generous time to wake up – at 6 a.m.

After her morning routine, she also made a special trip downstairs to buy breakfast for her mother. After eating together, she took her exam materials and left the hospital, planning to take the subway to the exam.

However, just as she stepped onto the road, her phone began to ring.

When the name "Lu Zhanbei" glowed on her phone screen, Gu Qianqian's previously dull eyes immediately lit up.

"Lu Zhanbei..."

"Look across!"

On hearing this, Gu Qianqian intuitively raised her head. Sure enough, a black car was parked about ten meters away across the zebra crossing. Although she couldn't see the license plate clearly, she recognized at a glance that it was Lu Zhanbei's car.