Chapter 136: It's not me who likes it, it's Qianqian who likes it_1

She claimed to trust Lu Zhanbei, but as soon as she set foot in the Lu Family estate, Gu Qianqian's heart couldn't help but race!

In this world, it was often the lesser evils that were hardest to fend off, and the lady of the house was just the type to stop at nothing to achieve her goals. She was seriously worried that returning to the Lu Family would be like walking into the mouth of a tiger.

However, her mother's wise words echoed in her mind: if they were determined to harm her, it wouldn't matter whether she stayed in the Lu family or not - danger would still find her.

Thus, good luck or bad, you couldn't outrun misfortune.

With this mentality, she nervously followed behind Lu Zhanbei, setting foot once again in the Lu Family Mansion.

As soon as they entered, Yu Baihe's affectionate greeting reached their ears: "Ah! Mr. Lu Zhanbei's back?"

As always, Lu Zhanbei responded to her enthusiasm with the same unchanged indifference, grumbling through his nose as acknowledgment.