Chapter 149: Mrs. Murong_1

Fearing that her eyes might have decieved her, Gu Qianqian sprinted a few steps in haste, following the hurried person.

Squinting into the distance, she confirmed...

There's no doubt, it was Lu Zhendong, the man who had brought her and her mother back to the Lu Family but then callously abandoned and even cruelly persecuted them.

However, he hadn't shown up during the entire time her mother was in the hospital, and now her mother was on the verge of recovery. Why was he here?

Quietly observing the floor number the elevator stopped at, she was unexpectedly relieved to find that Lu Zhendong didn't get off at her mother's floor.

Look at her, once again overthinking things.

Even if he did come to the hospital, he wasn't here to see her mother. Plus, she remembered that Lu Yebai had mentioned something about Ling Weixue's father being in hospital, hadn't he?

Right! Lu Zhendong had no doubt reluctantly come here to visit his future father-in-law, not her mother, whom he disdained.