Chapter 252: Lu Shenglin's Worries_1

She knew her mother was probably still against the idea, but Gu Qianqian really didn't have the time to worry about that now.

Grasping her mother's hand tenderly, Gu Qianqian began to meticulously explain to her: "Mom, at my age, the best job I could find is probably waiting tables or working sales promotion, if not fast food chains like McDonald's or KFC. Whereas, if I intern at Lu Zhanbei's company, I'll definitely learn lots of valuable experience that would boost my resume once I graduate. I'd be in a much better position when applying to similar corporations."

She knew her daughter was right, yet Lu Shenglin was still hesitant, "But, wouldn't this be too much trouble for him?"

"Definitely not, I am going to work diligently to make sure I won't create any problem for him."


Lu Shenglin was still apprehensive. Seeing that Lu Zhanbei made no comments and only picked up the bag to leave, the mother and daughter did not discuss further whether to proceed or not.