Chapter 278: I want to find him (her)_1

A legal wife!

That is to say, they were married in the legal sense.

Twenty years ago, Lu Zhanbei was only seven or eight years old. Having studied cello overseas with his mother, his father had him continue classes once they returned to China.

However, Lu Zhanbei was a bit indifferent and not comfortable with the feeling of having lessons in a large group of kids. So, Mr. Lu specially arranged for him to have a private tutor at home.

Ye Qiluo was the teacher his father specifically selected for him then. All he noticed about her was that she was very pretty, gentle, and an excellent cello player.

Therefore, even though Ye Qiluo didn't tutor him for very long before resigning, he still had a deep impression of her and felt quite sad upon hearing of her death.

Little did he know that, 20 years later, he would find out from elder Mr. Gu that she had been his legal wife...