Chapter 287: Can I Trust You?_1

Seeing him like this, Gu Qianqian was covered in a cold sweat: "Lu Yebai, you are now my boss..."

The word 'boss' deeply stimulated Lu Yebai's nerves.

The hand originally encircling her gradually slackened. But, seeing her cringing in fear because of him, his heart was once again filled with an unspeakable pain.

Sometimes, he couldn't help but want to yell out. If it was really just about this one issue, would he be in so much pain?

But then again, nobody can choose their birth...

Neither could he, nor could she. So, rather than having her think of him as a 'boss', he deliberately challenged her: "If you really feel that way, why are you constantly avoiding me?"

Upon hearing his question, Gu Qianqian was at a loss for words.