Chapter 587: The more she cries, the more excited he gets_1

It's just that... Lu Zhanbei was too terrifying!

Really, far too terrifying...

Lu Zhanbei didn't know who she was, and she couldn't let him find out.

She must bid him farewell before dawn!

Gu Qianqian struggled to gather her scattered clothes, and also picked up Lu Zhanbei's shirt from the ground. Haphazardly, she draped it over herself.

His clothes were far too big for her, making her look absurd. But still, being disheveled was preferable to being naked, wasn't it?

Though not properly dressed, Gu Qianqian gathered her hair casually, mindful of her appearance. Just as she prepared to leave, she couldn't resist turning around to take one last look at the man sprawled on the bed.

He seemed to be in deep sleep...

His thick eyelashes cast dark shadows under his eyes, conveniently concealing the faint traces of unnerving intensity that usually resided in his visage.